PV Projects + Song Updates

Wow, already late December XD; and we're heading to 2012.

There are two PV projects which we're working now, so we hope it can be finished around this week or January c:

The first one is the Mr. Music PV
 Kureno is on the way at making video and it's about 70% so probably it will be finished this week c:

The second one is Suki Kirai PV. Kai and Mui are gonna sing this together. The PV still in progress too, for about 25%.
at first, we were going to upload it on August or September, but it was delayed because we were sort of busy ^^;

Hope that we can finished it this month! XD;

Uh, now into song updates :3
not much song we've covered this month. There's Eyesight Test by Kai, and Go Google It! by Kei and Mai.

Shindoune Kai - Eyesight Test

Shindoune Kai - Eyesight Test by Kairi-beaver

Shindoune Kei & Madane Mai - Go Google It!

Shindoune Kei & Madane Mai - Go Google It! by Kairi-beaver

That's all! Thanks XD